Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Kiba Inuzuka Lemon

As said in the title this is a lemon, if you do not like it then do not read it. It is that simple. I am taking requests just so you know. I do not own Naruto or Kiba though I wish I did.

He had known you for years, much longer than when you become Hokage. Then he had a crush on you. But you were older than him. Not by much, but enough to surely cause suspicion if you were seeing one another. So when you became Hokage you no longer had time for any of your friends. You were busy 24/7 and having guards that would not let you leave unless you finished the paperwork. By now you had finished up what was left from the last Hokage. But once you finished that you were to do even more that was the starting of years long of signing and marking papers. Marking missions and their Ranks. Signing shipping and other things village related. To tell the truth you had not left the Hokage Tower in at least a few days. Kiba was actually starting to worry. He knew that the shinobi that stood outside the doors would help you if you were in any pain or hurt. But he just needed to check himself.

You sat behind the desk. A tiny stack of papers that needed to be signed. But that was all the paperwork that was needed to be done. Once those were out of the way, you had hopes that there would be no more for awhile. Until you got more missions to rank. That was the fun part to the paperwork. Ranking the missions, having to use your head to think of all the things that may go wrong based on the information given on the sheet of paper. To be honest you loved being a Kage. It was stressful at times, but you always found something to take the stress away. Such as friends that came to visit every now and then. But this type of frustration could not be solved my words. But by actions. You had not actually been in bed with another male since you became the Hokage and masturbation could only go so far. It would sate the fire but it would not have the same effect as having sex. That was what you needed. Relaxing, stress relieving sex. You hoped that at some point that would actually happen. A knock at the door made you look up. 

"Come in." That was another thing. She didn't have anyone barging in while she was working to tell her something. She had some privacy. But there were still two shinobi on the other side of the door that were listening to everything. Closing your eyes you shook your head. Clearing the thoughts away. Setting down the quill and looking up. Seeing who was in front of the closed door made you smile, and lace your fingers together before resting your chin on those laced fingers. Which were rested on the desk. 

"Kiba. I am glad to see you!" A smile never left your lips, the male sighed and walked forward. Before standing in front of the desk. Being the horny mess you were you subconsciously trailed your eyes up and down his body marking and mapping every inch of muscle that you could see through that shirt. Before traveling lower and lower. Before you brought your gaze back to the Inuzuka's. Licking your suddenly dry lips. You watched as his eyes flickered to your lips before back to your eyes.

"Is there a reason that you came up here, Kiba? Not that I do not enjoy your company. You just usually come up here when you either want a mission or need me to do something."

The Inuzuka's mind was a jumbled mess. He had caught your looks as you eyed his body and the licking of your lips. Which he noted looked very kissable. His feeling were returning again. His thoughts making blood rush to his crotch. He barely caught your question. How was he supposed to tell you that he was there to check up on you and make sure that you were alright. Now though, his instincts were telling him to take you. Right there. He wondered what you would do if he kissed you right now. He hoped you would react as eagerly as he hoped you would. 

"Yes. I need..... a favor." He noted that his own voice sounded deeper and husky. Man, could he show any more signs to his arousal?

You watched his face as you waited for his reply, and when you got it. When he first walked into the office he was relaxed, now his muscles were tense, as if he was going to pounce at a moments notice. The thought made your head spin. But you reminded yourself that this shinobi was younger than yourself by a few years. But love was love. You had loved the Inuzuka since you had first met him. Which was a long time ago. You knew he felt the same back then. But now? 

The question was answered as you searched his face for more information. His eyes darker than normal, and as you trailed down his body again you came upon the distinct bulge in his pants. Well that question was answered. So it seemed he was just as horny as you were now. Pushing yourself up from the desk you walked your way around it until you stood in front of the male, a smirk replacing your smile. If it was possible Kiba tensed even more then before. 

"Kiba~" You said his name, low and seductive. Lets see just how much this male could take before he finally snapped. 

"What is this... favor?~" The same tone was used in the question. You were going to get him to snap, you knew you would. He was a strong shinobi but he was still a man. You then walked forward until your chest was just barely grazing his. It wasn't until now that you realized how turned on you were. Your nipples were already hard, and the slickness between your legs was a good hint as well. Placing your hands on his chest, and keeping eye contact your left hand made its way down his chest, past his abs and grazing his pelvis as it traveled lower. 

"Could it perhaps be-" Pressing your palm into his hardened erection through his pants lightly, and kneading slowly. "this?~" Now you were playing with fire. The low growl was the warning. But you payed no mind. 

"I would not mind helping you. As long as you would help me with my problem" Hinting at the word 'problem'. As you waited for your answer you added more pressure to your palm and kept kneading. 

The Inuzuka let out a growling breath, before nodding. His answer to the questions. The smirk on your face widened before you stopped kneading and stepped back. 

"Sit." You ordered him pointing at the chair you were just sitting in before he arrived.  He complied as you walked toward the door. Opening it, you spoke to both shinobi. 

"You two go and eat or something. I am sure that I will be fine alone with Kiba. No arguing with me either. Just leave and eat or something and come back when you are done."

Both men knew not to argue and made their way out of the building. Closing the door and making sure that no one was getting in unless they were invited in you walked back toward Kiba. As you walked you pulled off the Hokage cloak that you seemed to be fond of since you first wore it and set it on a small table. 

You stood in front of Kiba the smirk still in place. You leaned down and placed your lips against his, in a soft kiss. But it seemed that soft was not what the man had in mind. Leaning into the kiss with bruising force and keeping your head in place by weaving a hand through your hair. The rough actions let a moan slip past your lips, but was swallowed by his. While continuing your kiss Both of your hands were making work of his pants. Unbuttoning and unzipping the fabric before maneuvering them to get them off of his hips. Before doing the same to the briefs. 

Pulling away from the kiss you sucked in a well needed breath. Not going back for another kiss you knelt in front of him. Your hands on his thighs rubbing different patterns as you leaned forward, licking from the base to the tip. Keeping eye contact, to watch him tilt his head back and moan. You did this a few more times before taking the head of his cock onto your mouth and sucked gently. Kiba's hands buried in your hair once more. A groan was pulled from you as you closed your eyes and went down farther, using her tongue to run along the bottom of his length as you went. Sucking in your cheeks you bobbed you head. Watching as the males eyes shut and another guttural growl was torn from his throat. You loved this side of him, that was official. You had control of him. You went farther down then before. Taking in as much of his length as you could before going back to bobbing your head. Your hands still trailing down his thighs. One of them stopping to cup and massage his balls. Something that he seemed to enjoy. You had little warning ot his orgasm. He didn't say a word, but his thighs tensed considerably and you felt his sac clench as he came. Sucking him off and taking everything he had you pulled away. Panting and licking your lips. Kiba opened his eyes as he watched you untie to tie that held your yukata together. 

"Never mind. I do not think that I will be able to wait."

After your encounter with Kiba ended you knew for a fact that there would be many more in the near future. Many, many more.